Our field reporter physically inspects your land for improvements and documents their existence and relevant dimensions.



Once your improvements have been located and documented, a report of your improvements' locations, valuations, and expected lifetimes will be generated and provided to you.

Our business locates agricultural land improvements and provides reports on the location and value of these improvements.

Using our Report

Our report can be used for a number of purposes. Firstly, knowing what improvements are on your land can help you to more accurately determine the value of your farm. Secondly, knowing what the value of your improvements can, in some circumstances, effect your ability to effectively collect deductions on your taxes.


We do not document the value of buildings, only land improvements like grassed waterways, etc. Our operations are currently limited to Wisconsin and Iowa. We cannot and will not define the boundary of your land and base the boundaries of our findings on publicly available GIS data, which may not be accurate or complete. Our company does not provide tax advice. We recommend contacting a tax expert when using our report in a tax scenario. Further limitations and disclosures will be provided when establishing a work contract.